Friday, April 29, 2005

The Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity

The Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity is a UNESCO project which works to strengthen cultural industries, such as music, cinema, and publishing, in developing countries. It does this by promoting respect for intellectual property rights and by encouraging public-private partnerships between the members of the Alliance that facilitate knowledge sharing, capacity building, good practice and mentoring.

Interesting detail:

Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to donate USD 250 000 annually to the Alliance A yearly contribution of 250.000$ to the dedicated fund of the Global Alliance has been incorporated into the Master Plan of Spain's development aid for the next four years (2005-2008).
In a meeting in Madrid with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on 15 March 2005, the modalities of the payment of this contribution to UNESCO were established.
Publication Date: 28 Apr 2005

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Diversidad ...

The (Spanish) website offers some articles about diversity:


[11.07.04] Más autonomía para las madres con discapacidad
[28.06.04] Orgullo Gay - Lésbico 2004
[07.06.04] Las personas con discapacidad pueden viajar solas
[19.05.04] Plan de Acción de Mujeres Discapacitadas
[15.03.04] Tebeos contra la Violencia
[12.03.04] Imágenes de la Mani 8 de Marzo
[10.11.03] Extranjeras
[28.08.03] Aplazamiento del recurso de lapidación de Amina Lawal
[27.07.03] Mujeres
[06.07.03] En el Aniversario de Frida Kahlo
[02.07.03] ¿Qué es un CSA?
[02.06.03] Divers@
[16.05.03] ¿Qué hacen las mujeres que es ejemplar?
[02.05.03] Otra Democracia es posible

Monday, April 25, 2005

Statistics about immigration/Spain

Since the 1980s the Berlin Institute's statistics department has been collecting and documenting migration data alongside current research projects. Our foci are data on population structure and communities, refugees and other migration flows, minorities, education and the labour market.

Spain: Spanish citizenship granted, most frequent nationalities
Spain: Immigrations of foreigners from abroad by country of origin 1993-2002.
Foreign Resident population in Spain by most important countries of origin 1996-2001
Spain: Non-Spanish population by Autonomous communities in 2001

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Literatura sobre género e identidad cultural ...

Génere i identitat cultural
Barcelona, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, 1992