Friday, March 18, 2005


The Diversity Policy Statement was originally distributed to all Seattle Times employees on September 28, 1992. It contained several action plans which are not included in the following statement as it is anticipated that action plans will change from time to time.


Equal Employment Opportunity and its related laws ensure the right of all persons to work and advance on the basis of merit, ability and potential without discrimination in hiring, development, promotion, termination, pay, fringe benefits and other aspects of employment, on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, handicap or any other basis prohibited by law.

Affirmative Action is taking positive steps to recruit, employ, train and promote qualified women and people of color or other under-represented employee groups to ensure equitable representation in any job classification or group in relation to their presence in the available, experienced labor force.

Multiculturalism, pluralism and diversity are terms used to describe a perspective that values the differences among people. It promotes mutual respect, acceptance, teamwork, and productivity among people who are diverse in work background, experience, education, age, gender, race, ethnic origin, physical and mental abilities, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and other real or perceived differences.

Culture refers to ideas, customs, manners, skills, interests, tastes, arts, etc., of a given people at a given time. Multiculturalism expresses the idea of a group of people made up of smaller groups with many differing, but coexisting cultures.

Pluralism embraces and expands on multiculturalism. Definitions of pluralism include the existence within a society of groups distinctive in ethnic origin, cultural patterns, religion or the like. Pluralism also is defined to convey a policy favoring the preservation of such groups within a society or organization. And, pluralism embraces the theory that reality is composed of many ultimate principles, or that ultimate reality has more than one true explanation.

Diversity is a broader term expressing the quality of being diverse or different, of having variety. When we at The Times refer to valuing diversity we mean the attitude that differences among us help us to relate to the communities we serve and to improve the quality of the results we produce. Those differences can relate to origin, culture, work function, experience, etc. Valuing diversity embraces each individual at The Times.

When we refer to managing diversity we mean maximizing each individual's ability to achieve his or her potential while contributing to the organization, as well as helping each individual work effectively with others.


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